mardi 3 décembre 2013

SERVICES - 1st part: Coffee expertise in store

Nespresso and Malongo offer different kinds of services online and within their stores. That’s why it is interesting to have a look at their services as they are the perfect illustrations of their brand strategies.

Let’s start by the expertise proposed in store.

         -  Malongo ‘s Coffee Expertise:

            In store, the customer can chose between two sales concepts: the self-service sale with a wide choice of more than 45 vineyards of coffees and the sale assisted by master roaster. In this second case, the sellers and roaster expert share their knowledge and help in the choice of coffee. These sellers are specialists in the coffee realm and tend to inform enthusiastically their customers about the typicality of a coffee producer country, the everyday life of the producers, the used techniques, the biological and also environmental aspects …
Malongo highlights particularly a selection of more than 45 Coffee Grand Crus,  native of the most beautiful coffee trees in the world and stemming from traditional agricultural methods practiced by the small producers.
This selection gives a preference to the Arabica’s collected by hand.
Roasting at customers’ request: the roaster exercises its art under the customer’s eyes and explains the diverse types and possible principles of roasting as well as their influences on the flavors and the aromas. The coffee is roasted in the traditional way meaning in 20 minutes. The customer can then go to taste his coffee in the space tasting after paying it. Tables and armchairs are available to have a seat and take advantage of the atmosphere of the shop.

-          Nespresso’s Coffee Expertise :

Like Malongo, Nespresso has selling possibilities that are available: the sale with free service or the sale with the advice of a specialist coffee. This specialist informs about the characteristics of every product according to the customer’s profile. First of all, he is going to try to identify customer’s needs and his level of knowledge on proposed coffees, and that according the following criteria: the intensity of desired coffee, the type of consumption to know the size of the cup of coffee (ristreto, espresso, lungo) as well as the favorite aromatic profile of the consumer (fruity, well-balanced, intense coffee). The objective for the specialist coffee is to understand his customers envy or need and to suggest him the coffee which suits him most. It is a personalized sale.

Tasting is proposed systematically at the end of the sale: the specialist coffee invites the customer to taste a coffee in the tasting space. A bar is available to lean a few minutes just the time to drink the chosen coffee.

Through this comparison, we were able to identify the will for 2 brands for sharing knowledge and user-friendliness. However, while Malongo proposes a standardized speech on the origin of coffees and its environmental involvement, Nespresso gives the image of a personalized service in the profiles of these customers. Nespresso by proposing a "free" coffee stresses its image of VIP service.

Next article will be focus on others services which lead to fidelize the customers.


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