mercredi 27 novembre 2013


Nespresso products are based on high value added consumer goods. Their sales are based on the cross canal concept, between the online sales and the specialized distribution channel. 

Distribution strategy :

Nespresso Boutiques : "temples for the brand"
27 boutiques in France. Nespresso is willing to have one boutique in each big city of France. 
Those boutiques represent a real temple for the brand. Indeed, as soon as a customer enters in the Nespresso boutique, he is invited "to experience the unique world of Nespresso in their modern and stylish boutiques". 
When it comes to the design of its boutiques, Nespresso has used different materials: the wood for the warmness, the leather for the luxurious side, the purity of the glass and the metal. 
Two complementary shapes: the square symbolizes the brand's values which are the perfection, pleasure, simplicity... and the circle symbolizes the coffee cup, discovery tasting and senses. 
There is also the Capre Diem lounge. Right after buying some Nespresso products the customer is invited to spend some time in this cosy, confortable and warm area to relax and have a coffee.
Also, during your experience in the Nespresso Boutiques, you will be able to get advices and expertise from Nespresso specialists

Nespresso Self Service
This new concept of Self Services will be open only in the cities that already have a Nespresso Boutique.
It allows customers who already know what they want, to buy their capsules quickly, without any help from the sales assistants. 
The buying's process: 
As soon as the customer enters the boutique, he gets a bag and goes to the "self service wall". Here he will find around twenty capsules' distributors. After selecting his capsules the customer can identify himself with his Nespresso card and pays on an automatic cash desk. This buying process takes few minutes. 
However, the initial concept of the Nespresso boutique is not totally forgotten because the customer can still ask for assistance or advice or can even register to the Nespresso club. 

Nowadays, half of the capsules are sold through the Nespresso website. 

M-Commerce : "the Nespresso Boutique in your pocket. Anytime, Anywhere". 
This application is available for Android and Iphone. 
It allows people who previoulsy download the app to : 
- order the Nespresso's Grands Crus, coffee machines and accessories. 
- find the closest boutique or Nespresso retailers or even the closest store for the capsules recycling. 
- be updated on all news (limited editions, local initiatives...)
- take advantage of the new delivery services such as: 
Nespresso Your Time : place an order and choose the date and the time of the delivery. 
Nespresso Proximity : place an order and take them when you want in the closest store. 
Nespresso Boutique PickUp : place an order and go to take them an hour later in a Nespresso boutique

A partnership with "Relai Colis" has now a partnership with Relais Colis for its products delivery to its customers in proximity relays. 

O.P & AL.D


mardi 26 novembre 2013

Nespresso TV ad 2012

"Please, please, come in. It is only because it is you Mister Clooney. Ristretto as usual?
Please come in. It is only because it is you Miss Martin. Volutto as usual? When I come here, I always feel like a star, don’t you? More or less. Here your Ristretto, Mister Clooney. Thank you. You see, what I tell you? »

Nespresso, through this advertising, puts forward its commitment for a service of exception. Nespresso takes the following challenge: making each customer feel unique! The service has to be exclusive and the consumer has to feel equal as special as George Clooney. Nespresso, through these advertisements, pictures its universe: conviviality, elegance, authenticity, pleasure and shared emotion. 

This universe is strengthened by George Clooney's strategic choice as a muse. Who better than Mister Clooney could embody all of these characteristics? Ladies, isn’t he the perfect personification of elegance? We shall not make a mistake by asserting that he is glossy, seductive. Therefore, this is what make Nespresso what it is today.  By agreeing to parody himself, Clooney gave Nespresso millions new followers!


Malongo TV ad 2013

« Chez Malongo, ce sont les petits producteurs qui font les grands cafés. Nous soutenons les coopératives aux arabicas d’excellence, biologiques et équitables. Amoureux du travail bien fait, nous torréfions nos grands crus à l’ancienne pour révéler toute la richesse des arômes. Concernés par l’environnement et les forêts, nos cafés sont préservés dans des doses en papier naturel. Nous sommes fiers d’avoir créé et fabriqué en France notre machine expresso recyclable, économe en énergie et garantie 5 ans. Nous croyons au commerce équitable et à la fin de l’obsolescence programmée. Nous réaffirmons nos valeurs : le partage, la qualité, le goût et l’innovation. Parce que le cœur des hommes bat dans Malongo »

                 In this TV ad featuring the brand new eco-designed espresso machine, Malongo illustrates very clearly its long-term commitment to quality and sustainable development. By an uncluttered speech and without artifice, Malongo speaks with full transparency about quality, service, ecology and innovation. This seducing speech is detailed here by precise data and animated with pictures. No sound effects, nor music or sound design are involved, the spectator is only glued to the storyboard.

Through this advertising, Malongo reaffirms its strategy: transparency on the premium coffee and the commitment for sustainable economy.


lundi 25 novembre 2013

PROMOTION based on ads

      While both brands are leaders on the market of premium quality coffee, their communication strategies are very different. Within the universe of the coffee, Nespresso focuses on high customer exclusivity and VIP services whereas Malongo asserts its ethical approach.

Each brand has its own universe and very committed values: TV ads illustrate them in an explicit way. Malongo, through its advertisements, wants to give precise and transparent information on the coffee and its ethical commitment. The message is based upon the product itself and its environmental involvement

Nespresso, on the other hand, tries to share an emotion and a feeling of exclusivity. Beyond the coffee, Nespresso suggests a real customer experience around keywords: “moment de plaisir” in English moment of pleasure, senses appeal and personalized service.To further appreciate these universes, let us dive into the last TV commercials reflecting the both brand universes : WATCH them in the 2 next blogs' articles! :)


References :!%20Malongo%20d%C3%A9fie%20Nespresso


Malongo has three different ranges of products: a range for individuals, a range for professionals and a range for offices.

It allows them to be well represented on the coffee market.  You can find, coffee beansground coffee and coffee podsThey have a large choice of ground coffee such as organic, fair trade coffees in metal canisters, single origin coffees and freeze dried coffee by small growers.

You can have a different coffee depending on the moment of consumption: Malongo’s motto is the following: “do not think coffee, but COFFEES”. Therefore, they are sure to meet daily requirements for each consumer.
  •  Wake-up coffee, such as the “bio-animals” coffee (robust)
  • Morning coffee such as “Les Purs Matin” already mixed with milk!
  • After lunch coffee such as “La grande Reserve”
  • Leisurely coffee such as “Cristal d’Arôme”, combination of three exceptional single origin coffees or the “Suprêmo d’Arabica”, equivalent of a fine vintage Champagne!
  • After dinner coffee such as “Deca Aqua”
Those are only examples; it will of course depend on your taste.

Malongo is looking for perfection in a coffee from plantations to cups. They are choosing carefully where the coffee takes form and they are ensuring the right packaging. As I said earlier, they have a very wide range of coffees but with one UNIQUE method: 20 minutes roasting. Malongo guarantees  “absolute authenticity”, “ revealing all of the aromas of the coffee without changing anything” as they explain on their website. According to Malongo, what are the most important values? 
Taste and sanitary quality.

         You are a coffee addict and you are trying to slow down your caffeine consumption? You love Malongo and you want to stick with YOUR brand… don’t panic! They have specific products such as decaffeinated or reduced-fat coffee and a wide range of teas and infusions. They applied the same quality requirements for each range of products, don’t worry your tea will  also be perfect! 

If you “live Malongo”, “sleep Malongo”, “feel Malongo” you will be happy with their complementary range such as cups, mugs, sugars, biscuits, chocolates, mignardises…They even have books about coffees and recipes that can help you use their products for daily nice recipes.

To know more about each product if you don’t know well the brand, you can have a look at their website which we believe is worth having a look at:

        What would a great coffee be without a great coffee machine? We are going to highlight their packaging and their coffee machines.


You feel a bit lost with all the different packaging… you will recognize Malongo’s products with their logo. Why are they using different packaging? They are making sure you will find what you are looking for.

Small growers:
  • Metal canisters
  • The logo Max Havelar with the label “commerce equitable” is really visible. The green reminds the bio and naturel.
  • As for the picture of small growers, it gives the authenticity and the quality. Malongo is sharing their values.
  • It is still fair trade labeled as the small growers
  • What we like: customers can identify the coffee taste with the animal.

A rabbit as soft
A crocodile as full-bodied
A goose as subtle and rural
A buffalo as robust
Easy to choose, easy to remember! 

Single origin
  •  Metal canisters
  •  The Black canisters remind the intensity of the coffee. Black is simple.
  •  High quality with the golden writing.
It is a simple, fine and an authentic coffee moment. 


123 spresso… what can we say about it? They received an Oscar for their packaging in 2012… this pretty much sums it up!


Oh espresso/ Oh Matic

What we like:
  • Easy to use,
  • Coffee, tea and infusion. Big fan of tea? YES! This is for you the tea is amazing!
  • 100% filtered water
What we don’t like
  • 16 bars, less powerful than other…
  •  2 years warranty, we would rather 5! 

What we like:
The price and the 5 years warranty
Made in France
100% recyclable pods,
Ecological procedure but still powerful and stylish
Guarantee a gustatory quality
What we don’t like:
I did test the coffee but didn’t buy the machine. The coffee is AMAZING! Try it if you didn’t yet.
Users seem to be happy about the coffee but several have technical trouble. Let’s hope it is not the majority because this machine seems to be “perfect”! Do you know this new machine? What do you think about it?  Leave a comment below.

       Don’t know Malongo yet? Go to Lafayette Gourmet to try their products… I can guarantee that you will be satisfied!

Address Galeries Lafayette Gourmet
 97 rue de Provence 75009 Paris
Phone number: +33 (0)
Hours: Open from 9h30am until 8.30pm every day except Sunday.
Thursday until 9pm 



jeudi 21 novembre 2013


Nespresso chose a new positioning in the coffee market to distinguish themselves from their competitors. It is a “Premium” positioning, a high quality portioned coffee at a premium price, which is accessible to millions of consumers. This positioning will help to expand their product line and build their empire.

According to Mister Nespresso himself, to make a coffee you need those little things called “capsules”, of excellent coffee and then you need to buy a coffee maker. Nespresso thought about everything for those who are really fond of coffee and you can’t live without it, their accessories range from cups, glass bombonniere and their U magnet set…

The first step is to select the coffee. Nespresso has coffee experts that travel the world to find the best coffee beans from small coffee producers in Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, India and Ethiopia. There are several steps from the bean to the cup: Cultivation, harvesting and the whole process to put the coffee into the capsule. They have to ensure that each capsule is produced with the same attention, emotion and intensity of taste.

Do you know how many patents they created to protect their invention? 1700… that’s a real number revealed by Nespresso !

They have 21 classical “Grands Crus” and limited editions, are sold several times a year. Capsules are its own product line with different ranges that will answer to your demand and will satisfy your taste buds ! You will find longo, espresso, decaffeinato and so on…

The second step, in having great coffee, is to choose the right coffee maker. Nespresso took that step very seriously. They have 6 different ranges of coffee makers. You need to know: one of them will suit YOU perfectly.

How do they accomplish this ? Nespresso is collaborating with well-known kitchen brands such as Magimix, Krups, Siemens, Miele, DeLonghi to build their coffee makers. However, the Swiss coffee machine producer Eugster/frigsman is manufacturing most of their machines. This range of coffee maker is  the result of lots of work in R&D and a long relationship with the designer Antoine Cahen. Nespresso coffee makers are about Innovation, Technology and Design. These ideas are all integrated in into the product.

In the product line you have six different ranges of coffee makers with different functions and colors. According to us, the following pictures are the most beautiful, convenient coffee makers, if you want more information visit their website:


  • What we like about it: you can add milk, it is perfect if you are  a big fan of cappuccinos, lattes… 
  • What we don't like: if you have a small kitchen that could be a problem. You'd rather take the CITY


  • What we like: Design, technology and the space convenience.
  • What we don’t like: Nothing… but the U has a more fun design.


  • What we like: Nespresso’s technology and design at a reasonable price.
  • What we don’t like: it’s the basic one, if you want to be creative with your coffee choose Lattissima.

As I said earlier, Nespresso sells accessories, but they are two many to be developed in this article (unless you really want us to, then leave a comment below.) You should know that Nespresso develop these products with the same attention as their other products lines. Go to their website, you will find what you are looking for!

If you are a professional you might want to take a look at this page (,pro_FR-B2B-BrandPure-Exact&gclid=CL2nj77u8boCFTLJtAod8gMAAQ), we won’t get into the details but you should know that they have specials products and services for companies.

You have everything to succeed on finding your perfect coffee. It’s time to have a nice coffee !