mercredi 27 novembre 2013


Nespresso products are based on high value added consumer goods. Their sales are based on the cross canal concept, between the online sales and the specialized distribution channel. 

Distribution strategy :

Nespresso Boutiques : "temples for the brand"
27 boutiques in France. Nespresso is willing to have one boutique in each big city of France. 
Those boutiques represent a real temple for the brand. Indeed, as soon as a customer enters in the Nespresso boutique, he is invited "to experience the unique world of Nespresso in their modern and stylish boutiques". 
When it comes to the design of its boutiques, Nespresso has used different materials: the wood for the warmness, the leather for the luxurious side, the purity of the glass and the metal. 
Two complementary shapes: the square symbolizes the brand's values which are the perfection, pleasure, simplicity... and the circle symbolizes the coffee cup, discovery tasting and senses. 
There is also the Capre Diem lounge. Right after buying some Nespresso products the customer is invited to spend some time in this cosy, confortable and warm area to relax and have a coffee.
Also, during your experience in the Nespresso Boutiques, you will be able to get advices and expertise from Nespresso specialists

Nespresso Self Service
This new concept of Self Services will be open only in the cities that already have a Nespresso Boutique.
It allows customers who already know what they want, to buy their capsules quickly, without any help from the sales assistants. 
The buying's process: 
As soon as the customer enters the boutique, he gets a bag and goes to the "self service wall". Here he will find around twenty capsules' distributors. After selecting his capsules the customer can identify himself with his Nespresso card and pays on an automatic cash desk. This buying process takes few minutes. 
However, the initial concept of the Nespresso boutique is not totally forgotten because the customer can still ask for assistance or advice or can even register to the Nespresso club. 

Nowadays, half of the capsules are sold through the Nespresso website. 

M-Commerce : "the Nespresso Boutique in your pocket. Anytime, Anywhere". 
This application is available for Android and Iphone. 
It allows people who previoulsy download the app to : 
- order the Nespresso's Grands Crus, coffee machines and accessories. 
- find the closest boutique or Nespresso retailers or even the closest store for the capsules recycling. 
- be updated on all news (limited editions, local initiatives...)
- take advantage of the new delivery services such as: 
Nespresso Your Time : place an order and choose the date and the time of the delivery. 
Nespresso Proximity : place an order and take them when you want in the closest store. 
Nespresso Boutique PickUp : place an order and go to take them an hour later in a Nespresso boutique

A partnership with "Relai Colis" has now a partnership with Relais Colis for its products delivery to its customers in proximity relays. 

O.P & AL.D


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